Friday, 24 October 2008


Soldiers Set Sail !

As the night sky has drawn to a close brave soldiers set sail for the East.

Last week when Neville Here is a Soldier that British soldiers are now
Chamberline declared is going off to battle getting ready and the
war on Germany, brave in a few weeks , his nerves are kicking in,
British soldiers set name is Paul Dewey to have your say about
sail to take over we asked him a few this and want to find out
Germany and fight questions and he had more information send
for their home said " I am extremely in what you think or
country this morn- excited about going to what your question is
ing. War , I know its going send it to our address on
We have just heard to be hard work but I page 3.
that they have arrived know that my friends
safely and are ready for will be looking up to
battle,the journey took me ! I will be going of
apporoxamatly 5 hours. in two weeks now , I
They are hoping to come just cant wait to be s- Written By Rhian Alex
back undefeated in a few itting on that ship and saliha
months time. heading for Germany ".

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