Hugs and Tears and Parents Fears.
In Britain on the first of September[1939]hugs and tears were sherd as children everywere move to the countryside.
It was the day of evacuation.
Children have been evacuated by cars, trains, and boats and over 2500 children have been evacuated so far.
If children are under 3yrs old they are evacuated with their mum or teachers.
Most parents are sending their children on a train to the countryside.
Parents are telling their children that they are going on holiday and to take their gas mask with them at all times.
Also adults have to carry or wear their gas mask to avoid gas.
The goverment is calling it operation pied piper instead of evacuation.
The parents are being told to look away as the children leave the station to stop them from crying.
Dont worry every bodys going to be told what there doing as soon as possible.
By Sapphire and Connor